Capsules and pods for coffee machine Maranello Q8
In this section you can find all the capsules and pods compatible with the coffee machine Maranello
The Maranello compatible capsules represent the excellence of Italian coffee.
Agostani offers 2 types of pods compatible with theCoffee machine Maranello Q8: Agostani Primo Gold, with an intense and decisive blend, and Agostani Primo Silver, creamy and balanced.
The cost of the Agostani capsules compatible with the Maranello Q8 coffee machines isvery convenient. Check theprice per capsule indicated in brackets next to the quantities of product in the boxes above.
Special promotion: buying250 Agostani Primo coffee capsules, home delivery is free.
To try the compatible Maranello Coffee Capsules ask for the tasting kit (with free shipping) of the two coffee lines.