Mokona Trio Bialetti Capsules and Pods
In this section you can find all the capsules and pods compatible with the coffee machine Mokona Trio - Bialetti
Pods and capsules for Mokona Bialetti Trio coffee machine
There Mokona Bialetti Triohas aunique and unmistakable design. In fact, this espresso machine looks like a mocha! But this is not the only feature that distinguishes it.
The Mokona Trio has atrivalent system with multiple arms. In this way, on the Mokona Trio it is possibleuse different types of pods and capsules: leoriginal Bialetti Mokespresso I Caffè d'Italia capsules in aluminum, compatible capsulesAgostani coffee ,ESE coffee podsin paper filter of size 44 mm, orcoffee powder(ground).
Buy pods and capsules online on Tuttocialde.com at Best price!
NB: if you have the Mokona Mono (the one with only one arm), visit the page Bialetti Mokona Mono.
PS: if you had previously purchased the Agostani arm for Mokona Trio, then you can also use the Agostani capsules compatible with Lavazza Espresso Point.